Wednesday, March 21, 2012

5 MCG OR 5 MG?

Aku igt 1mcg sama je ngan 1mg tapi cam xsama.. aku confused with this so i googled a bit.. mmg xsama.. asid folik yg ade dlm supplement shaklee yg aku amik cuma ade 400mcg tapi KK nye tablet mengandungi 5mg folik asid.. meaning yg KK nye lagi byk folik asid (dan free je)..slama aku peknenkan Arsyad & Qayla mmg aku makan tablet yg KK bagi je.. xpenah beli pon obimin ke, etc sbb aku rasa yg KK bagi tu dah mencukupi.. aku dah tanye doctor bole ke amik asid folik lebih dari 5mg (sbb aku dah consume 5400mcg/sehari) dan doc kate bole je xde masalah.. Alhamdulillah :)

1000 mcg = 1 mg

5 mg = 5000 mcg

Is it ok to take 5mg folic acid tablet daily in 1st trimester?

Yes its very important you take it everyday especially in the first 12 weeks

Folic acid, a B vitamin, helps prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord when taken very early in pregnancy. It is available in most multivitamins, as a folic acid-only supplement and in some foods.

Some studies suggest that folic acid may also protect women and men from stroke, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day before pregnancy and during early pregnancy, as part of a healthy diet.

Eat a healthy diet that includes foods that contain folate, the natural form of the vitamin. Such foods include fortified breakfast cereals, dried beans, leafy green vegetables and orange juice.

If you have already had a pregnancy affected by a birth defect of the brain or spinal cord, ask your health care provider how much folic acid you need. Studies have shown that taking a larger dose of folic acid daily can reduce the risk of having another affected pregnancy. The larger dose needs to be taken at least one month before pregnancy and in the first trimester of pregnancy. The recommended dose is 4 milligrams (4,000 micrograms).


Anonymous said...

Ina, aku pun br tertanya2 pasal mg dan mcg ni. Br perasan bila tgk acid folic KK dgn appeton punya. Ads beza... Tp appeton 400mcg -teh

Ms.Rainna said...

mostly supplement mmg hanya mengandungi 400mcg sbb tu adelah basic yg perlu diconsume oleh badan.. kalo peknen memerlukan folic acid yg lebih that why KK bekalkan 5mg folic acid..- dr.marina bercakap.. hehehe

Rozailin Rahman said...

Bestnyaa preggy jeles hokay...tapi takpe..syukur dengan yang ada..semoga rezeki kita semua bertambah dan barakah..aminn...

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