Saturday, November 27, 2004

Alhamdulillah minor project dah submit tadik.. tapi cam risau sbb akunye keje cam haram jek.. tah la.. bak kate Dania, pas pon dah kire baik.. muge2 la hendaknye.. pas submit, lepak bas stand jap ngan Teh n Dania.. round2 streetmall jap.. balik2 jer aku dah flet giler.. tak mampu nak gagahkan mate agar terus celik.. tambah2 dengan hati aku yg tgh parah nih.. cam rasa kosong jer dunia aku.. area kul 9 something aku terjaga.. aku tengok jam.. dlm ati aku sedeh..
'kalau jadi balik arini misti aku dah ade kat pudu tgh makan steambot kat kedai sebelah Nandos tu'
ikutkan aku tade la nak balik sgt.. tapi sbb 'dia' aku jadi excited.. tapi skang ni?... tah aku rasa terkilan sgt.. aku sentap biler enset aku bunyik2 mintak angkat.. dr nizam.. takut aku nak jawab sbb cam blur tatau nak cakap ape kalo dia tanyer inaz pegi mane.. so aku biar jer enset tu bunyik byk2 kali.. last2 aku off sbbnye aku nak cas.. aku kalo cas, mmg off enset skang nih demi kesihatan bateri.. pastu aku terus flet balik sampai la aku terjaga kul 2 nih.. hummpp

i need someone, ya know.. someone yg bole aku citer2 semer masalah yg terbuku kat hati nih.. yg bole gelak2 dan buat lawak seposen ngan aku.. someone yg teman aku makan steambot kat kedai depan nandos pudu n pastu jenjalan kat ps.. someone yg bole aku sandarkan kepala biler penat and make me feel secure.. who would dat be if not for him? need i say more? need i? biler aku jenjalan dlm net ni, aku jumpa satu lagu from Switchfoot.. n dis song made me burst into heavy tears.. shit! hate dis feeling.. but really... i do... missing him... and i always hope dat i'm his missing rib...

I wish I had what I needed
To be on my own
'Cause I feel so defeated
And I'm feeling alone

And it all seems so helpless
And I have no plans
I'm a plane in the sunset
With nowhere to land

And all I see
It could never make me happy
And all my sand castles
Spend their time collapsing

Let me know that you hear me
Let me know your touch
Let me know that you love me
And let that be enough

It's my birthday tomorrow
No one here could know
I was born this Thursday
22 years ago

And I feel stuck
Watching history repeating
Oh am I just a kid who knows he's needy?

Let me know that you hear me
Let me know your touch
Let me know that you love me
And let that be enough

Switchfoot - Let That Be Enough
Note:(Right click, "Save Target As")

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