Monday, December 01, 2008

Tag from mama lia

dapat award dr mama amsyar @ lia.. tq so much~

The Pink Sisterhood's Tag


On average, the final stage of puberty is around 15 years of age and at this time, you are physically an adult.
In your late teens and early twenties you have more lumps, bumps and pain in your breasts that seem to come about just because your body is growing.
Lumps can form in your breasts due to hormonal changes during your period cycle and they usually go away at the end of that time of the month.
In your late teens and early twenties you sometimes can have round rubbery types of tumors called Fibroadenomas and these are not cancerous.
Fat Necrosis is a firm lump that can be formed by damaged fatty tissue and develops from a bruise from a hit or bump to the chest.

rules nyer:
1. Put the logo in your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog

calon2 nyer adalah smua blogger yg sudi singgah d blog aku.... ;p
sekian, terima kasih.....

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